Aamir Khan dates Facebook girl

Aamir Khan has been going out on several late night dates and if you think it’s with wife Kiran Rao, then your highly mistaken. Aamir is known to be an internet addict; the actor was a regular on his personal blog and has only just taken a break from blogging. He however has become very active on social networking site Facebook where he’s managed to make a number of friends. The actor not only chats late night with his online friends on FB but has also started having several coffee dates to know more about his fan’s likes and dislikes.His id on the site is Pucca Idiott.A source close to the actor said, “Aamir has always been intrigued by the views of the youth, he always replies and interacts with fans on his blog and literally knows them by name. There was a time when a girl told him that she had messaged him on his blog once and after knowing her id he even remembered her comment.

Along with interacting with them online, Aamir is also known to hold several screenings of his forthcoming films. He makes sure that one of those screenings are held specially for teenagers from whom he gets some interesting views and opinions. His films don’t strike a chord with teens and seniors just for nothing; he yearns to satisfy everybody’s craving giving meaning to his tag of being a through professional.”“His next film Three Idiots is based on life in B-schools and Aamir plays a 20-something optimistic lad who believes in excellence over education”, the source adds, “Because his next is based on the youth, its only natural for him to get even more closer to the youth on a personal level and this being the very reason behind coffee conversations and late night random dates.” Aamir was recently clicked by the press having such a conversation with a girl in a coffee shop and he seemed completely unfazed with the media glare while interacting with the pretty girl.

Her name is Annie Gill and she is a Facebook friend. When we tried to look her up on the site, we found that she is friends with several other Bollywood celebs. On Kiran’s reaction to his new found dates, the source adds, “Kiran seems to have no such problem with her husband’s behaviour and truly understands his need to interact with youngsters as films today have to appeal to this category of audience. She herself listens and obeys literally Aamir’s every word when it comes to filmmaking and its no hidden truth that Aamir has ghost directed Kiran’s next Dhobi Ghaat.” Advertisement

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